Types of videographers

May 17, 2024
Vlad Lapich

Hang on, there’s more than one type of videographer?

A videographer is someone who records, directs, edits, and produces videos for a wide variety of clients.

You can bring in a team of videographers from a video production company or an independent freelancer who can work as well as a full team. This is dependent on experience in the industry and their expertise with both pre and post-production.Pre-production is concerned with directing and shooting events, for example, weddings, christenings, car events, or in some cases short movies. The videographer does all the jobs of a film team, but in some cases such as weddings where the videographer must be less invasive, they do not direct, instead position themselves in the best possible position to get a set of fantastic shots.Post-production, on the other hand, is concerned with everything after the footage is captured. This mainly involves editing the video, joining the clips together, cutting clips down, inserting music, effects, and much more – essentially adding the WOW factor to the video.Okay, now that we know what a videographer does let’s discuss the different types of videographers out there.

What types of videographers are there?

Videography is a massive industry, with the ability to film a wide range of events including racing events, track days, weddings, christenings, and much more!We will now break down these events one by one, providing you with a deeper understanding of the different types of videographer.

Corporate videographer

Corporate videographers work with big companies to produce videos in-house, usually advertisement for their business.Occasionally, corporate videographers will also film away from their home office, perhaps to set the scene or in some cases filming with other like-minded businesses. Corporate videography is a little more difficult to get involved with, mainly as the quality must be top-notch. However, with that being said there is certainly a demand for corporate videographers. Think about it for a second, there will always be a need for commercial video content, and it is corporate videographers who shoot, edit and create it.

Event videographer

Next, we have the event videographer. These events may include children’s parties, track days, anniversary’s, or a local birthday party.Much like corporate videography, there will always be a demand for this type. People are always having birthdays and visiting events – often wanting their memories to be captured, having something to look back on in the future.As an event videographer, you will need to be well-composed within the industry, mainly as you will be required to film a variety of on-going so-called ‘mini-events’ within the event itself.

Wedding videographer

Quite possibly the highest demand for a videographer is for weddings. It’s a day that you both want to remember, and what better way than to hire a videographer – recording and producing a movie to treasure for years to come.Many people choose to film their wedding, alongside hiring a photographer to capture pictures. It’s a once in a lifetime experience (for most…), something we should be proud of, something to show the grandkids.If you’re looking to get into videography, beginning with weddings is an excellent starting point. You can offer your services for free, perhaps shadowing the official videographer – just make sure not to get in their way!

Fashion videographer

Next up is fashion videographers. Fashion videographers mainly film fashion events such as fashion shows and catwalks.Think of the Vogue fashion models, there’s always a handful of individuals filming the models stepping out onto the stage, tracing each and every step they take.However, models occasionally offer private fashion videographers to shoot videos for them. These include highlight reels, showing off their style in a mix of different outfits.

Car videographer

The car industry is one of the largest industries in the world, so it most likely comes as no surprise that car videography is a thing.Car videography usually involves filming races such as the Formula 1 and Formula 2, but can also be much lower scaled as well.For example, you or anyone you know could hire a car videographer to film them driving or even putting together a car – if someone will watch it, or if you would like to watch it someday then chances are it’s been done before! 

Food videographer

Food videography has been around for as long as we can remember. The aim of the game is to sell the product with this type of videography.Often, these videographers will work with both local and large restaurants to show off their food – think sprinkling salt on food in slow motion, a customer taking a mouthful, or perhaps a close up of your favorite dish.Many people now seem to take a recreational approach to food videography, what do we mean by this? Nowadays, many people take their own photos and videos of food at home, showing off to friends and family members their latest gourmet dishes.In a way, we’re all a videographer – just not a professional!

Tattoo videographer

Tattoo videography involves filming tattoos to put into a highlight real. Tattoo artists/shops usually hire a videographer to essentially place together a portfolio.The video could include the tattoo shop, selection of tattoos, the tattoo artist, people getting tattoos, and some of their best designs to date.The aim of this is simple, to increase custom for their business – the more they can show (granted they are good designs) the more likely customers will choose them over others.

The bottom line 

There are many different types of videography, from event videography to weddings and tattoo designs as a videographer your job is often varied.Often, videographers choose to specialize within a chosen field, whether this is weddings, events, or food and stick with this.On the other hand, some videographers choose to cover all basis – especially towards the beginning to increase business.If you’re just starting out, we recommend getting a feel for all individual niches and finding out what you enjoy the most.In the meantime, keep practicing and honing your videography skills.


Q: Can one videographer really cover all aspects of both pre and post-production?

A: Yes, a seasoned videographer often wears multiple hats, handling everything from directing and shooting to editing and adding special effects in post-production. Their ability to manage these diverse tasks depends on their experience and expertise in the field.

Q: What is the difference between hiring a team from a video production company and an independent freelancer?

A: A team from a video production company might offer more comprehensive services and resources, while an independent freelancer could provide a more personalized and potentially cost-effective option. The choice depends on the scale and specific needs of your project.

Q: How can aspiring videographers gain experience in different niches?

A: New videographers can explore various niches by taking on diverse projects, volunteering their services, or shadowing experienced professionals in different fields. This hands-on experience is invaluable in determining which niche they are most passionate about and skilled in.

Q: What is the most important skill for a videographer to develop?

A: Adaptability is crucial for a videographer, as they must be able to navigate diverse settings, interact with different clients, and manage the unpredictable nature of live events. Continuous learning and practice in various aspects of videography will enhance their versatility and proficiency.